Mar 292017
 March 29, 2017

People’s Climate March Sacramento – April 29, 2017 @ 11:00 a.m.

Posted by Christine Bailey

Posted on March 29, 2017

image of hands holding Earth

Join with our friends at the Sacramento Climate Sangha and other faith communities who plan to gather at the west end of the World Peace Rose Garden (which is at 15th Street and Captiol Avenue), so we can march together!  This is a UUSS Interfaith Earth Justice activity.

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  9 Responses to “People’s Climate March Sacramento – April 29, 2017 @ 11:00 a.m.”

  1. Hi Gene,
    We are not aware of arrangements for climate marchers to stay. Perhaps the march organizers would have information on this. Please see

  2. I am moving to Oregon and want to stop at Sacramento on my way to join in the fight for our climate (I’m a political scientist whose focus is on climate & energy policy–you might say a ‘climate policy scientist’). My problem is that I have a retirement annuity, but it’s not enough (OUR problem is we trusted obummer when he campaign promised he’d effect good climate/energy policies).

    Is there anyplace arranged for us to stay? I have a really nice Trek Tent, but I’m by myself and it takes at least two ppl to set it up; but it will accommodate 4 ppl comfortably, so others may stay with me. I am not familiar with the area, so I would need help choosing a safe campsite close to the march site. I have a good car.

    Gene Whitworth

  3. Hi Christine:

    Jus to clarify the climate marcher will meet at 11 a.m. as noted in your reply of April 11 to Kathy, and not at 10 a.m as noted in the headline of your original post?

    • That’s correct Anne. They were not able to a permit to march from Southside Park due to a March of Dimes event occurring at the same time. So both the time and place for starting the climate march have changed, and thus when and where the faith groups will meet has changed. Here’s the current information:

      April 29 @ 11:00 a.m. People’s Climate Mobilization – Sacramento. Faith groups will meet at the west end of the World Peace Rose Garden so we can march together.

      The time and meeting place for the Science March remain the same.

      April 22 @ 10:00 a.m. March for Science – Sacramento. Faith groups will meet at eighth and V Streets so we can march together.

  4. Hi Kathy,
    It’s both!
    April 22 is the March for Science. UUSS Interfaith Earth Justice is the hosting faith group that will welcome UUs and people from other faith groups to this march. We meet at eighth and V Streets, downtown Sacramento, at 10:00 a.m., so we can all march together.
    April 29 is the People’s Climate Mobilization March – Sacramento. The Sacramento Climate Sangha is the hosting faith group that will welcome UUs and people from other faith groups to this march. Meeting is @ 10:00 a.m. at eighth and V Streets, so we can all march together.
    Hope that helps!

  5. Is it April 22 or April 29?
    Thanks, Kathy

    • Hi, again, Kathy.
      The latest on the April 29 People’s Mobilization Climate March is that it will NOT be starting at Southside Park, but will be a march around the Capitol starting at 11:00. So, the current marching plan is as follows:

      April 22 March for Science – UUs will still meet at eighth at V Streets at 10:00 a.m. as this march starts at Southside Park.

      April 29 People’s Climate Mobilization March – UUs will meet at 11:00 a.m. at the west end of the World Peace Rose Garden so we can march together and with other faith groups.

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