Apr 222017
 April 22, 2017

UUSS Members March for Science (and meet Einstein) on Earth Day!

Posted by Christine Bailey

Posted on April 22, 2017

UUSS was well represented at the March for Science – Sacramento!

Click an image to see it larger…

23 April 2017 UUSS stands for science Science March

23 April 2017 UUSS stands for science Science March. 3jpg

23 April 2017 UUSS stands for science Science March. 2jpg

23 April 2017 UUSS stands for science Science March. 4jpg

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  2 Responses to “UUSS Members March for Science (and meet Einstein) on Earth Day!”

  1. And thank you, Janet, for bringing the lab coats! As we marched I fell behind our main UUSS group because I walked with our four-year-olds which was a lot of fun. They had a good time, made it all the way to the Capitol and were really awesome marchers!
    Good stuff!!

  2. Great Day – Great crowd – Great bunch of UUSSers! Thank you Christine for organizing things!

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