Nov 122016
 November 12, 2016

Neighboring Faiths Class

Posted by RE Coordinator

Posted on November 12, 2016

Neighboring Faiths Class (JHYG, grades 6-7-8)

Lead teacher Anthony Mtuaswa Johnson and UUSS friends invite additional adults to volunteer for this class, and we want everyone to know what we are up to at 10:30 AM, two Sundays a month. We had a parent orientation and a decorating party to make Room 6 reflect our interfaith pursuits. Session 1 was “What Is Religious? Foundation Building/ Unitarian Universalism.” Session 2 was “What Is Spirituality? Foundation Building/World Religions.” We have the year planned, and your help is welcome. Contact to inquire.

In addition to some field trips outside of class times, here is our Sunday schedule through March:

November 13 & 27 Judaism

December 4 & 11 Catholic Christianity

January 8 & 15 Islam

February 5 & 12 Protestantism (AME Church)

March 5 & 12 Native American Religions

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  4 Responses to “Neighboring Faiths Class”

  1. Great!!

  2. don’t know if this is the kind of thing you are looking for but i’d volunteer to come address the class and answer questions about evangelical christianity. i grew up evangelical and was very active through my 20s.

    • Hello Dirk,

      Please excuse my tardy reply. We would be honored for you to come and share with us. How does December 11th at 10:30 work for you?

      Many Thanks,


      • that works, i put it on my calendar. if you need anything from me before then let me know, otherwise i’ll just show up for that jhyg. thanks!

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