Sep 262016
 September 26, 2016

UU Games Workshop – Act 1

Posted by Kate A

Posted on September 26, 2016

Fun, challenging, awesome are the targets that JHYGers identified for the games they (individually) and we collectively will make that use the 7  principles and 6 pillars of UUism. It was a great day that produced beautiful, interesting, and varied game boards made from recycled materials. We played a simple game that JHYGers  work on last year.  There will be 6 more sessions of Workshops focusing on the next steps of game building and a workshop on 11/6 to work only on individual games.

October 16

October 23

November 6 (MUUGS weekend class for those in Sacramento)

January 29

February 26

March 26

April 23

See you next time

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