May 132015
 May 13, 2015

Congregational Meeting Agenda–May 17

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on May 13, 2015

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento

 Congregational Meeting Agenda 

Sunday, May 17, 2015, 11:30 AM

(Members, please sign in after the service to receive your ballot.

Childcare continues till 12:30 PM in the Nursery.)

Pilgrim Hall, Sierra Arden Church, 890 Morse Ave., Sacramento

Call to Order                                                  Linda Clear, President

Invocation                                                       Rev. Roger Jones

Approval of 10/12/14 Meeting Minutes    Cathy George, Secretary

Board President’s Remarks                         Linda Clear, President

Assistant Minister’s Report                          Rev. Lucy Bunch

Renovation Update & Move-in Date         Margaret Wilcox, Steering Committee Chair

Senior Minister’s Report                              Rev. Roger Jones

Treasurer’s Update                                       Linda Clear on behalf of Denis Edgren

Vote on 2015-16 Proposed Budget

Special Award Presentation                        Lonon Smith, Theater One Committee Chair

Election of Lay Leaders                               Dave Paul, Nominating Committee

Announcements & Comments


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  3 Responses to “Congregational Meeting Agenda–May 17”

  1. Greetings, Pete, and thank you for the comment. The nominees are indeed posted in the article “Nominated Candidates” [link below] in the May Unigram newsletter, which is posted on the website every month (via Current Events tab), and is posted on our Facebook page as well. For the past three Sundays the Nominating Committee has had a large display of photos with bios of the nominees, whom the committee introduced at a reception following the April 26 service. Given that the printed Unigram took extra paper and extra stamps because of all of the biographies, it is indeed a good suggestion for the coming year to have the committee have its own posting area on the website for the nominees. See you at the meeting!–UUSS-newsletter-for-you-.html?soid=1112167101835&aid=XXbmNR2-ATI

  2. I recommend that the names of nominees for elected lay leaders be posted on this web site today, prior to tomorrow’s congregation. In the future, as soon as practicable, the nominations should be posted as soon as completed on the UUSS web site, in the blue sheet, and available at the office and posted outside services for a couple of weeks before the election.

  3. PS and FYI, I’m only posting this agenda for our Prez, since I am one of the editors for posting on our website.
    It is the Board of Trustees and Nominating Committee who are responsible for the meeting! AND THE UUSS MEMBERS! See you Sunday!

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