Mar 302024
 March 30, 2024

Alert about Traffic Flow in UUSS Parking Lot

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on March 30, 2024

a_backhoe_is_sitting_in_a_church_parking_lot_peDue to a PG&E utility project, there are backhoes and other large equipment in an area surrounded by chain link fencing in the UUSS parking lot. This will last for a few months.

This fenced-in area is in the third lane of parking (the far lane, next to the stone wall and trees), and there is no way to drive through it. While there is some parking there in the third lane, we cannot use the lane to exit the parking lot.

To exit the parking lot after the service and RE, please go to the first lane of our parking lot (close to the main building); the first lane is wide enough for both entering and exiting automobiles, if we drive with attention and care.

Note: the second lane (middle lane) is for entering traffic only.  It is too narrow for both entering and exiting traffic, so use the first lane to exit. There is a chalk arrow on the pavement to indicate this.

We hope this notice avoids confusion and apologize for the inconvenience.

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