Mar 162020
 March 16, 2020

Ministers Message 3/16

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on March 16, 2020

roger suitDear UUSS Community,

It was an odd feeling to be in an empty church on Sunday morning. Of course, most of our experiences in the past few days and weeks have been unfamiliar and unsettling. The abrupt changes we’ve all had to make to mitigate the spread of the virus known as Covid-19 are upsetting and challenging to say the least.

So it was with relief, joy, and reassurance that Rev. Lucy and I beheld the names and saw the comments of so many of you pop up on the computer screen at our first online service yesterday at 11:00 a.m. Folks participated and watched the streaming service via our UUSS Zoom room and through Facebook Live on the UUSS page. Many households had more than one person online with us, and we estimate 150 adults and children were there. Thank you!

Rev. Lucy and I give our thanks to Keith Atwater and the vocal quartet from the UUSS Choir who led us in singing hymns and who offered a song after our shared silence. We give thanks to Religious Education Coordinator Miranda Massa, Student Minister Sangye Hawke, IT Consultant Dirk Tuell and A/V Technician Ivan Caballero for all their work in making it work. We thank Miguel and Jesus for having cleaned the church and set up for us. There were several members also in attendance, but there was plenty of space between us all.

We also thank those members who brought it to our attention that the lack of 300 people in physical attendance on Sunday mornings would reduce the funds raised by our Sunday Shared Offering. In these times those not-for-profit organizations need all the support they can get. The partner this month is Sacramento Family Promise. To make a contribution to yesterday’s Shared Offering, you may click here to use PayPal, send an or make a phone call to Bookkeeper Michele Ebler (916-483-9283) to ask her to put a donation on your credit card or debit card, or mail a check to UUSS, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95825.

Yours in service,

Rev. Dr. Roger Jones

PS–Best wishes to you for St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow! May the recent rains and the green growth outside lighten your spirit. May good luck arrive soon for all who are affected by this crisis and all who are working to mitigate its effects and serve the common good. We hope to see you during our in-person office hours, Zoom open house, or at Tuesday’s 7:00 p.m. worship service.

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