Sep 152016
 September 15, 2016

Dedication Ceremony for Sanctuary Banners during the service September 4, 2016–

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on September 15, 2016

We dedicate these banners today.  May they bring joy, understanding, and curiosity to all who gather here.


Panoramic Photo by Peter Killian – Click to Enlarge

ROGER:  Today we receive and bless the banners which will adorn this room.  As Meg Burnett and Georgene and Dick Tarble, come up, please refer to the insert in your order of service.  These three were the design and planning committee for the banner project, and we give thanks for the many volunteers who joined them in the sewing, gluing, and hanging of the banners, as well as the two posters now on the back wall, which explain what each banner symbolizes.  Today at noon the committee will lead a forum in this room to tell you about each banner’s meaning and receive your questions and comments.  Please join them after having your coffee, and thank them for their years of good work.  By next Sunday, all of these will be up high, so today is the day to see them up close.

Also, I’m happy to announce that Carol and Jerry Houseman will offer discussion and reflection on these banners, one at a time. on the 2nd and 5th Sunday morning of every month.  It will take place before the service and will start October 9 in Classroom 9.  See the Blue Sheet for the “Banner Banter” article.

MEG:  Back in 1983, Dick and Georgene Tarble were part of the original design and fabrication team for the banners in our former building.  The original 19 were dedicated in 1984.  Two years ago, as UUSS pursued this building renovation and expansion project, we began working on refurbishing some banners, replacing others, and adding new ones.  We have been working on this project for two years, and we are happy to have them ready to hang. We think of these like stained glass windows for our church.  One them is the variety of religious and cultural traditions in the world, both ancient and modern.  We did not attempt to capture every one of those traditions, but to reflect our growing diversity as practiced in faith groups in the Sacramento area, and the larger world. The other theme includes Unitarian Universalist Principles and the Values we share.  These include Freedom, Gratitude & Generosity, and Joy.

DICK: One of the new banners this year is a reflection of the 7th Principle, the web of interdependence.  This banner shows the colorful cloud of galaxy and the double helix of DNA, the building block for all forms of life on earth. May we give thanks for the web of life.

GEORGENE: One of the refurbished banners is the blank one.  It’s called Future Quest.  It is not empty, but open.  It is open to new insights of science and everyone’s understanding of spirituality and meaning, and our individual beliefs about the meaning and purpose of life.  May we strive not to be empty of imagination, but open to new understandings of religion.

ROGER:  You will see the congregation’s words of response in your insert.  Please recite the refrain once at this time, and again when I signal.

CONGREGATION: We dedicate these banners today. May they bring joy, understanding, and curiosity to all who gather here.

ROGER: The Reverend Eileen Karpeles, a former minster to UUSS, has written words which I paraphrase now.  Out of wood, steel and stone, the people build a home.  Out of the work of their hands, hearts and minds, the people fashion symbols to adorn their home and make it a place of meeting, celebration, sanctuary and worship.

We dedicate these banners today.  May they bring joy, understanding, and curiosity to all who gather here.

ROGER:  May we give thanks for the web of life. May we strive not to be empty of imagination, but open to new understandings of religion.  In a world with so much intolerance, ignorance, fear and violence, may we find the courage to work for understanding and acceptance.  May we work for justice and pray for peace in lands near and far.

We dedicate these banners today.  May they bring joy, understanding, and curiosity to all who gather here.

Blessed be and amen.

Text by Roger Jones

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