Apr 292019
 April 29, 2019

Party to Meet the Director of the UU Justice Ministry of California May 11

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on April 29, 2019

ranwaRamon and Karen Urbano of the Davis Church are hosting a house party and fundraiser to introduce Sacramento Valley UUs to the Rev. Ranwa Hammamy, the new Executive Director of our UU statewide justice organization.

It takes place 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., Saturday, May 11, at their lovely home near Woodland.  Carpooling encouraged.

Register for this party and find out more at this link.  If you don’t use email: (916) 441-0018 extension 111.  Note that this will take place after the online Annual Meeting of the Pacific Central District of the UUA, so if you will be a delegate to that online meeting, you’ll have plenty of time to get to Woodland.

How do we harness the power of Unitarian Universalism to create such a world?

How do we put our faith into action in resilient, prophetic, and joyful ways?

Join Rev. Ranwa Hammamy, new Executive Director of the UU Justice Ministry of California, as we discuss not just this moment in time, but our collective movement to bend the arc of the universe towards justice. Learn more about how progressive faith is showing up at the local, state, national, and international levels. Get updates on UUJMCA’s upcoming programs, the UUA’s “Love Resists” campaign, and the ways you can put your faith into action to transform this world in love.

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