Jun 082017
 June 8, 2017

Ramadan Mubarak

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on June 8, 2017

ramadan sign

To Our Muslim Neighbors
Blessed Ramadan from the UUSS Congregation and Ministry Staff

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  2 Responses to “Ramadan Mubarak”

  1. I posted the sign out front after it was given to me by a Unitarian Universalist colleague from another congregation. Many congregations are doing this to be good neighbors, especially at a time when many people threaten or demean people of the Muslim faith. Last Thursday Rev. Lucy and a few UUSS members went to the Salaam Center Mosque for an interfaith dinner for the breaking of the daily fast. Before we sat down we visited with leaders from several organizations, including an Islamic food bank. I learned that the largest Girl Scout troupe in Sacramento is a Muslim one!

    We had a lovely dinner at 8:29 after hearing five teenagers from different faiths give their essays about interfaith understanding. We also heard from Rabbi Mona Alfi, who received the Interfaith Award from the Mosque. It’s great to live in Sacramento!

  2. Great! Many blessings to our Muslim friends and neighbors

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