Jan 172018
 January 17, 2018

Rev Lucy at the California Senate this week

Posted by Rev Lucy

Posted on January 17, 2018

I was very proud  to represent UUSS this Tuesday January 16th and offer a prayer at the start of the Senate legislative session.  It was quite a thrill to stand at the podium and lead the assembly in prayer.   You can see a video of my prayer at the Senate media archive.

Rev Lucy

Here is the prayer that I shared:

Prayer for the California Senate

Tuesday January 16, 2017

Reverend Lucy Bunch

Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento


Holy Spirit, known by many names and beyond all names

We ask your blessings on the people who have been called to lead in our state.

We ask that love be their ground of being and action.  Remind them that, everyone— all races, creeds, religions, sexual and gender orientations – is our neighbor, our sibling.  Help them to remember to respect and protect the least of those among us— those who live on the margins, those who are alone, those who are forgotten.

Grant them and us the wisdom and courage to know and do what is good and true.  Grant them the integrity to know the truth and to speak out when it is time to speak out and listen, patiently and receptively, when it is time to listen. May they always be guided by the spirit of community, by the spirit of justice, and by the spirit of love.

This we pray in the name of the divine spirit that holds and connects us all.



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  5 Responses to “Rev Lucy at the California Senate this week”

  1. Beautiful, compassionate message!

  2. You brought them a great (UNITARIAN) message and we hope the message was heard. What a great job you did. Thank you.

  3. Thank you Lucy and public servants.

  4. Beautiful prayer. I hope they take what you said to heart.

  5. Thank you for including the video! It is a joy to watch you deliver your beautiful prayer to the Senators of our State. Wonderful!

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