Jan 082017
 January 8, 2017

Sunday! And my whereabouts this week

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on January 8, 2017

20161120_111432It was great to get so many hugs today and last Sunday after my return.  I thought we’d have a small turnout this morning because of the rain, but many folks floated in to church.  There was a good handful of kids and youth in every program in Religious Education, not to mention gifted and energetic adult leaders.  The sermon text will be posted by Wednesday.

It was a Soup Sunday, and I got to visit with many folks after church.  Wow, there have been LOTS of newcomers since I went away, and it’s been great to get to know many of you.  Rev. Martha’s book discussion had the UUSS Library/Board meeting room filled to capacity!

This week is quite full, too:  Building Your Own Theology begins, the Alliance meets with a great pair of presenters, Keith returns for Choir Practice on Wednesday, and Thursday night is Theology on Tap at Bonn Lair.  Check out the Current Events tab.

This Monday I go to Pacific School of Religion for the continuing seminar of Doctor of Ministry students.  I look forward to seeing my cohort of colleagues and hearing about their variety of topics.  I have three meetings at UUSS on Thursday, so I will come home on Amtrak on Wednesday night. But I won’t be around before Thursday.  Friday or next week is a good time to check in and/or get acquainted.

Wishing you grace and peace this week–and courage!


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  One Response to “Sunday! And my whereabouts this week”

  1. I really appreciated the sermon on Sunday. Your presentation was spot on,and the text was meaningful ( even for a 30 year UU.) THANKS and good luck in Berkeley.

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