Jun 132016
 June 13, 2016

Walking the Walk UU Justice Summit & Camp–July 16-19

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on June 13, 2016


–Held at the Jesuit Center of the Sierra in nearby in Applegate, California.  Register now for UU Justice Ministry of California’s multi-generational justice conference, bringing together justice-seeking UUs and their families for worship, workshops, practical skill development, networking and community building. Workshops by outstanding leaders will teach strategies to address climate change; work on housing insecurity; advance immigrant justice; tackle race, class and cultural divides; find out next steps for dignity at work as well as other issues. Spots fill up fast! uujmca.org/walkingthewalk


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  One Response to “Walking the Walk UU Justice Summit & Camp–July 16-19”

  1. Would you put me on your email list.
    Mac Lingo
    UUSCM Lay Chaplain
    Restorative Justice Program at San Quentin

    I speak to congregations about Prison and Restorative Justice issues.

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