Jul 112017
 July 11, 2017

Wear your “message” tee shirt on Sunday!

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on July 11, 2017

Our yearly all-ages Tee-shirt Spirituality Service at UUSS is July 16 at 10:30. Wear your shirt showing a spiritual belief, religious value, or important commitment. Humor welcome, vulgarity not. Here are just a few of the possibilities!  Post your own tee shirt slogan in the comments!

  • “Heretic.”
  • “What would Tesla do?”
  • “Pro-family, pro-faith, pro-child, pro-choice.”
  • “God Is Love.”
  • “Nuns on the Bus–Moving Toward Trouble”
  • “Very Gradual Change We Can Believe In–Charles Darwin”
  • “Humanists believe in Good.”
  • “Blessed Be.”
  • “Namaste.”
  • “Not today, Satan!”
  • “Love your Mother Earth!”
  • “Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad.”
  • “Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic.”
  • “Standing on the Side of Love.”
  • “God bless the whole world–no exceptions.”

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