Mar 072016
 March 7, 2016

American River Parkway UU Mile Cleanup Saturday, March 12

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on March 7, 2016

Today’s (Monday, 3/7) long-range forecast for next Saturday, March 12 is for rain. But…IF the weather clears, then we’ll once again have our regularly scheduled “Second Saturday” walk to pick up trash on the UU mile of the American River Parkway. To those on my email list, I’ll send out a “go/no go” note on Friday evening to confirm one way or the other, and post notice here, as well. If it’s “no go”, then we’ll reschedule for the following Saturday, March 19.

If it’s a “go”, then we’ll meet Saturday morning between 8:45-9:00 AM in the parking lot at the west end of Northrop Avenue, next to the levee, near Panera off Howe Avenue. If this will be your first time to assist, I’ll get your contact info and brief you on our cleanup activity. We’ll clean up trash from the Parkway until 10:30 and rejoin at that time at the foot of the levee stairway for a quick photo of our crew and the results of our work. Coffee and conversation afterwards at Panera can add to the fun!

Whenever we go, there should be much that’s beautiful to see. The photograph below (is it Redbud?) was made beside the bike trail on the UU mile just last week, and much more should be in bloom very soon.

Thank you for your interest in helping to keep the UU mile in beautiful condition!

Dave Dawson

Redbud? 2-29-16

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