May 202021
 May 20, 2021

Brief look at our 100-acre Community Partner

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on May 20, 2021

Along the banks of the American River, the Effie Yeaw Nature Center’s mission is to bring nature to people and bring people to nature. Half of all our May offering donations will be shared with this local source of respite and wonder as well as a space for teaching us about natural and human history in this area. Watch the video below to see Mary Howard’s minute of appreciation for the Nature Center.


Click here to give to the Community Partner Shared Offering for this month.  Or mail a check to UUSS, 2425 Sierra Blvd., Sacramento CA 95825.  Note “offering” in the memo line.

2021-05-20 15_40_06-Brief look at our 100-acre Community Partner - Effie Yeaw Nature Center - YouTub


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