Dec 062021
 December 6, 2021

Dec. 11th – American River Parkway Cleanup!

Posted by Eric Ross

Posted on December 6, 2021

You are invited to come out this coming Saturday, Dec. 11th, for our regular monthly cleanup on the “UUSS mile” of the American River Parkway!

We meet on the second Saturday of every month between 8:45-9:00AM in the parking lot, next to the levee, at the end of Northrop Avenue, off Howe Avenue, behind Panera. We sign in; trash bags are issued and new folks are oriented. We then spend one hour removing trash from the UU Mile. We meet back next to the levee stairway at 10:00 AM for a photograph of our crew and the results of our efforts. Afterward, many of us continue the fun at Panera with refreshments and conversation. Remember to wear good shoes, bring gloves and water to hydrate, a mask if you so choose, perhaps a “grabber”, and your volunteer spirit…. this Saturday morning looks to be mostly sunny and in the mid-50’s.

Report from our last cleanup…

nov cleanup american riverFifteen UUSS Parkway Stewards came out and picked up tremendous amounts of trash on our UUSS mile (Mile 6/7 north on the ARP). Despite the damp weather and the daunting amount of debris, our group gathered a huge haul, a portion of which you see above and below. We are very grateful for their efforts – it truly makes a difference!! Afterwards, many of us gathered at Panera to enjoy each other’s company as is our tradition.

The American River Parkway is a remarkable combination of wilderness and public byways, parks, and sports centers for us all to enjoy. Your volunteer participation is vital in assisting to keep it clean and usable for our community. We look forward to seeing you out with us in the coming months.

Looking forward toseeing you soon,

Eric Ross, Mile Steward

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