Nov 112018
 November 11, 2018

Excellent Parkway Cleanup Crew on Nov. 10

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on November 11, 2018

What a fine crew we had on our Second Saturday, Nov. 10 cleanup of the UU Mile of the Parkway! Fourteen good-spirited, hard-working people showed up to collect and remove a huge pile of trash from our adopted mile. The photo below shows twelve of our crew including, from left: John Abbott, Wade Osborn, Bill Hardy, Doug Osborn, Eric Ross, Claire Urness, Margaret Licha, Tamara Olson, Jeff Voeller, Roger Olson, Genevieve Banks, and Gary Keill. Not shown are Doris Simonis, who fully participated, and Dave Dawson. Especially welcomed to our activity today were first-timers Wade, Doug, Genevieve, and Doris. Thanks to all for such excellent results… and for pleasing conversation afterward!

With much appreciation to our cleanup team,

Dave Dawson

11-10-18 Cleanup (1 of 1)

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