May 012020
 May 1, 2020

Finding Light On The Parkway, Friday, May 1, 2020

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on May 1, 2020

Hi, Folks,

On seeing yesterday’s photograph of the snowy egret, Rich Howard asked if I’d tell the story of the driftwood on which the egret was standing. Thank you, Rich, for causing me to think about that. So, I’ll ask for your indulgence to have another look at the photograph and consider whether the story of the driftwood might be something like this:

American River Driftwood

Raven dropped sycamore seed near river.
Tender shoot survived browsing rabbits, deer.
Beaver chose differently to build its lodge.
Songbirds sang and slept upon young branches.
Fire stopped short before its stand.
Surviving: tall now and splendid.
For decades, squirrels raced below a high heron rookery.
And then,
River rose and eroded roots.
Gale force winds brought tree to ground
Beside the riverbank.
Deluge drove it downstream
Where it stays today.
Egrets, otters, turtles, herons, ducks, geese seek it still.
Needed yet, beautiful yet, in a way, for a while, but not forever.

I think we’re all needed yet and we do have this day.  I wish it to be beautiful for you.


Snowy Egret on Driftwood_Dawson Snowy Egret on Driftwood, American River Parkway ©David Dawson, 2020

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