May 152020
 May 15, 2020

Finding Light On The Parkway, Friday, May 14, 2020

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on May 15, 2020

Hi, Folks,

I drifted downriver in my kayak toward these three Merganser sisters who had heard that some taverns and pubs in the surrounding counties were about to open up again. The two younger ducks were eagerly primping in preparation to fly off and join the action. The older third sister offered wise reproof: “Hey! Irresponsible birds are going to be flying in from all over the state to those bars. If you mingle in those crowds, don’t plan to come back here with me!”

I heard later that one of the younger Mergansers did fly off and then walked into a bar without wearing a mask. The bartender said, “I’ll sell you a mask.” “Great,” said the duck; “Just put it on my bill!”

Wishing you lightness in life today!


Three Mergansers_Dawson

Three Female Mergansers, American River Parkway ©David Dawson, 2020


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  One Response to “Finding Light On The Parkway, Friday, May 14, 2020”

  1. Knew you were good with a camera, but a punster too?

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