May 082020
 May 8, 2020

Finding Light On The Parkway, Friday, May 8, 2020

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on May 8, 2020

Hi, Folks,

Here, to go with the photograph today, are the first three stanzas of Mary Oliver’s poem,  “Heron Rises from The Dark, Summer Pond”:

So heavy
is the long-necked, long-bodied heron,
always it is a surprise
when her smoke-colored wings

and she turns
from the thick water,
from the black sticks

of the summer pond,
and slowly
rises into the air
and is gone.

You may find it well worth your time to finish the rest of the poem at the link* below.  Wishing you a day that brings  revelation, insight and joy, all the way to the end!

Great Blue Heron Rises From Pond
Great Blue Heron Rises From The Pond, American River Parkway    ©David Dawson, 2020


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