Apr 272020
 April 27, 2020

Finding Light On The Parkway, Monday, April 27, 2020

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on April 27, 2020

Hi, Folks,

There’s an item that appears on my to-do list, day-after-day, that I know I need to do, but I just don’t get it done.  It seems that a common consequence of the sequestration we’re experiencing is a lack of motivation.  Much advice about how to overcome this is readily available on the internet at sites such as: https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/17/health/motivation-tips-wellness/index.html; or https://blogs.webmd.com/webmd-doctors/20200409/how-to-stay-motivated-while-youre-stuck-at-home

Today I decided to shortcut the lengthy advice and let this green heron from the Parkway show me what to do.  His advice: “Just get a grip and go for it!”  Gonna do that today.

Oh; and yes; the heron did get the fish.  I’d swear it was smiling with satisfaction afterward.

Green Heron Striking_DawsonGreen Heron Striking, American River Parkway    ©David Dawson, 2020

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  2 Responses to “Finding Light On The Parkway, Monday, April 27, 2020”

  1. I so look forward to your photos and reflections. Thank you so much👏

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