Apr 062020
 April 6, 2020

Finding Light On The Parkway, Monday, April 6, 2020

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on April 6, 2020

Hi, Folks,

Happy California Poppy Day! Since 1903, the California poppy, Eschscholzia californica, has been the official state flower of California; and, since 1996, April 6 of each year has been designated California Poppy Day.

Last Tuesday, a walk upstream from the Sarah Court access to the American River brought the peaceful vantage point in the photograph below. Fortunately, similar scenes with poppies can be found right now throughout the 32 miles and 4,800 acres of the Parkway.

If you aren’t able to see poppies live, here’s a link to an ample array of photographs from California’s Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve: https://www.pinterest.com/lasolberg4/antelope-valley-poppies/  (Careful… you might need your sunglasses!)

Wishing you the pure pleasure of being beside a profusion of either real or virtual California poppies,


California Poppies and the American River ©David Dawson, 2020

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