May 042020
 May 4, 2020

Finding Light On The Parkway, Monday, May 4, 2020

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on May 4, 2020

Hi, Folks,

This delicate looking Greater Yellowlegs is tougher than it appears.  I wouldn’t expect a bird, seemingly so fragile here on the Parkway, to be about to fly itself thousands of miles north to breed in the buggy bogs of northern Canada.  Perhaps its French name, “Grand Chevalier” or “Great Knight”, better reflects its strength and resilience.

None of us will experience the physical demands of a Greater Yellowlegs wading through shallows to catch invertebrates with its beak, or flying ourselves several thousand miles north this spring. But we are on what’s become a protracted passage that challenges our emotional strength and resilience in unusual ways.  Possibly to help navigate this journey I’ve noted below some summary points from an article titled, “Why Emotional Resilience Is a Trait You Can Develop”:*

  •  Build connections with other people. Prioritize your relationships and reach out to others by joining community-based groups in your area.
  •  Take care of yourself. Foster wellness by taking care of your mind and body. Eat well, stay physically active, and avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms.
  • Manage your thoughts. Work on maintaining a hopeful outlook and accept that change and setbacks are part of life. The important thing is to keep working toward your goals.

Here’s hoping you stay well in body and spirit on your flight today!

Greater YellowlegsGreater Yellowlegs, American River Parkway    ©David Dawson, 2020

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