May 032020
 May 3, 2020

Finding Light On The Parkway, Sunday, May 3, 2020

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on May 3, 2020

Hi, Folks,

A whole lot of “begatting” is happening on the Parkway as new generations of creatures are brought into existence this spring. Karen Tarp and Eric Ross took a walk last Monday and had the fun of seeing this mama wood duck with a brood of five ducklings. Two of her little ones dutifully followed mom. But, putting themselves more at risk at this early stage of their lives, the other three defied their mother’s order to shelter in place and were about to be retrieved.

Here’s hoping you and all your family and friends minimize your risk by continuing to accept wise limitations in the weeks ahead. In doing so, there’s still much for our five senses to enjoy, on and off the Parkway.


Female Wood Duck and Ducklings_Eric Ross

Wood Ducks, American River Parkway ©Karen Tarp and Eric Ross, 2020

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