May 062020
 May 6, 2020

Finding Light On The Parkway, Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on May 6, 2020

Hi, Folks,

Sometime Soon?

Two mergansers and an egret shared a gravel bar one day.
“I’m going left as you go right!”
I’m sure I heard one say.

The lady duck and egret started downstream in high cheer;
while the gentleman merganser, 
chose upstream without fear.

They sensed a newfound freedom on that un-sequestered day,
to go with whom and where they chose,
whether off to work or play.

For “stay-in-place” was lifted; you could hear the critters cheer!
Sanitizers, face masks, intervals?
No longer de rigueur!

I’m looking forward to that time when once again we may,
clean up our Parkway mile, 
then have coffee, talk, agree, disagree, share stories, shake hands, hug, backslap, fist-bump and otherwise have a normal second-Saturday Parkway cleanup day!

Unfortunately, not this month.  Organized Parkway volunteer activities are still being held in abeyance by the  Parkway Foundation.  I miss our useful walks in the park and our gathering together for coffee afterward.  Better days are coming, but I wish the best possible outcome of this day for you.

Mergansers and Snowy Egret_DawsonMale Merganser, Snowy Egret and Female Merganser, American River Parkway    ©David Dawson, 2020

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