Jan 152017
 January 15, 2017

Fourteen UUs Helping Heal The American River Parkway

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on January 15, 2017

When leaving home Saturday morning to help clean up the UU mile of the American River Parkway I was in bright sunshine, but upon arrival at our meeting place, there was only fog… until the thirteen delightful people below showed up with enough sunshine in their attitudes to light up the UU mile!  In the crew this morning were (from left in the photo) Margaret Licha, Wayne Bell, Tamara Olson, Clair Urness, John Abbott, Patricia Pratt, Seth Bell, Don Thornberry, Lloyd Crockford, Jeff Voeller, Betty Crockford, Cass Sove, and Roger Olson.

UU Crew 1-14-17
With most of the usual territory of our mile still under water from the recent rains, these resourceful and diligent folks still retrieved a surprising amount of trash in our one-hour “Cleanup-Lite”.  It will be interesting to see how conditions change for the next second Saturday cleanup on February 11.

Many thanks are due and given to each one of our team members for their work this morning, and for the pleasure of their company and conversation afterward.

With much appreciation,

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  2 Responses to “Fourteen UUs Helping Heal The American River Parkway”

  1. I am new member and I am interested in joining the River clean-up group. What’s the next date, time and location to meet with you? Other than gloves and shoes with decent tread, what should I plan to bring? Thank you!

    • Hi, Patricia,

      I replied separately by email to your post, but perhaps it would be helpful to others to pass that info along here, as well.

      The UUSS cleanups of our adopted mile are held every second Saturday of the month. We meet between 8:45-9:00 AM in the parking lot next to the levee at the end of Northrop Avenue (off Howe Avenue behind Panera). The mile of the Parkway adopted by UUSS extends from roughly the middle of Campus Commons Golf Course downstream to the near border with Cal Expo. At 9:00 AM we head out to clean up that area for (depending on conditions, number of people) either an hour, or 1 1/2 hours. We then meet back at the starting point and those who wish to do so go to Panera for refreshments and conversation.

      When we meet, I’ll ask you to sign in and I’ll have trash bags for you to use. Some of us like to use a “grabber/reacher” tool to pick up stuff ‘cause it’s easier and cleaner that way. Those tools are available at most hardware stores, but it’s best to get a sturdy one if you do invest in one. Closed toe shoes with good traction, a long sleeve shirt and long pants are helpful because it can be slippery and there are berry vines and other scratchy things to avoid. I’ll have latex gloves available, but some folks bring their own gloves or prefer to do without.

      Each month in the week before the cleanup I send out an email reminder to people who have expressed interest in possibly helping out. After each cleanup I send out another note summarizing our results, and I usually post the reminder and the summaries to the UUSS website.

      I hope this helps with most of your questions about our Parkway cleanups. If not, please feel free to get in touch with me by replying to this note. I look forward to meeting you and to the possibility of your participation in our Parkway cleanups. It can be a bit of work, but we actually do have some fun out there!

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