May 062015
 May 6, 2015

Our American River Parkway Cleanup Saturday

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on May 6, 2015

Many thanks to Chris for his long service as coordinator of UUSS’s monthly cleanup of our adopted mile of the American River Parkway. As you know, Chris willingly gave his time, talents and support to this activity. Although he’s no longer able to continue in this role, hopefully he will remember with pride how, with his leadership, our crew left the UU mile in pristine condition each month. I have offered to coordinate future cleanups, and so this note is also to remind you that our next cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 9, 2015.

As usual, we’ll meet at 9:00 AM (I’ll be there with trash bags at about 8:45) in the parking lot at the west end of Northrop Avenue, next to the levee, near Panera off Howe Avenue. We’ll clean up trash from the Parkway until 10:30 and meet at that time at the foot of the levee stairway for a quick photo of our crew and our bounty. Please join in afterward, if you wish, for coffee and conversation at Panera.

You may wish to bring a pair of gloves (I’ll have latex ones available) and wear long pants and sturdy shoes. The route of the annual American River Parkway Half Marathon held on May 2 touched on the UU mile, and it’s been party time on the Parkway, so it may be that we’ll have some extra work to do.

Feel free to pass this invitation along to any members of our UUSS community whom you think might like to be out there with us. Here’s a photo of one of the creatures that may be out to greet us on the UU mile: a female common Merganser, clearly with some purpose in mind I hope to see you on Saturday!   -Dave

Merganser by Dave D.

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  One Response to “Our American River Parkway Cleanup Saturday”

  1. Thanks to Dave for taking this role (and taking that picture)! I hope all new and continuing parkway cleanup volunteers have an enjoyable morning tomorrow!

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