Dec 092016
 December 9, 2016

Parkway Cleanup Postponed to Next Week, Saturday, December 17

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on December 9, 2016

Several sources of weather information predict significant amounts of rain on the Parkway tonight and tomorrow. Even though, while out in a rainstorm, an old cowboy once told me, “Son, you ain’t sugar; you won’t melt!”, I think it best to cancel tomorrow’s cleanup of the UU Mile, and postpone it one week to Saturday, December 17. I’ll confirm that date late next week.

If you have a chance to take a walk on the Parkway in between the rains, you’re likely to see some beautiful sights, as I did two days ago. A young river otter was so intent on his breakfast that he allowed me very near; and a Great Egret posed for a peaceful scene.

I hope you have a delightful time wherever you may be this week!


Young River Otter, American River Parkway, 12-7-16

Young River Otter, American River Parkway, 12-7-16

December Morning, American River Parkway

December Morning, American River Parkway

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