Oct 102024
 October 10, 2024

Parkway Stewards crew brought it during Sept. 14 haul on American River Parkway…

Posted by Eric Ross

Posted on October 10, 2024

parkway sept 2024

(Pictured left to right: Dave Dawson, Richard MacGill, Joyce Ownbey, Jeff Voeller, Betty Crockford, Lloyd Crockford, and Jim Adams. Photo by Catherine O’Brien.)

There was a good turnout on Saturday, Sept. 14th to pick up trash along the American River Parkway. Our veterans arrived with their grabbers and thoroughly cleaned up our “UU Mile” as one can see from the post-cleanup picture with the assembled trash! We really appreciate your work and your commitment to keeping the Parkway cleaner.

A special shout out to Joyce Ownbey and Catherine O’Brien who were kind enough to sign people in and hand out the trash bags while I was gone on vacation. THANKS FOR STEPPING UP!

Our next UUSS Parkway Stewards’ Saturday clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 12th  beginning at 8:45am.

Thanks and stay cool,

Eric Ross,
Mile Steward
UUSS Parkway Stewards

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