Jul 132019
 July 13, 2019

Saturday, July 13: Excellent Parkway Mile Cleanup Crew and Results!

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on July 13, 2019

Hi, Folks,

Who’da thunk? In mid-July it could be a hunnert degrees out there on UUSS’s adopted mile of the American River Parkway!  Lotsa UUSS people off on vacation around the world. Dirty work to be done. So what happened? Twenty-three UUs and friends turned out to help clean up UUSS’s adopted mile of the Parkway this morning! And clean up they did. I’m guessing about 700 lbs of trash, including cans of paint, bike parts, punctured rafts, and all the usual cans, bottles, clothing, electronics, and other discarded stuff that will no longer sully the riverscape ‘cause of these good-spirited helpers. Out for our purposeful walk today were Candace Ellisore, Alexandria Miner, Betty and Lloyd Crockford, Linda Tanforan, Gary Keill, Jeff Voeller, Roger Olson, Theo White, Bill Hardy, Duncan Barrow, Jerry Hostler, Richard MacGill, Deirdre Downes, Shirley Paulsen, Doug Osborn, Linda Brandenburger, Bonnie Chatfield, Marian Ashe, Tony VanCuren, Jesse Blanca and Linnea Bloom.  Most of our excellent crew are in the photo below.

UU Parkway Cleanup Crew, 7-13-19

UU Parkway Cleanup Crew, 7-13-19

Now, that’s a fine bit of volunteering to be sure. Many thanks to each and all who helped today!


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  2 Responses to “Saturday, July 13: Excellent Parkway Mile Cleanup Crew and Results!”

  1. You people are great!

  2. Pretty impressive crowd. Sorry to miss it!

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