Oct 222021
 October 22, 2021

Saturday, Oct. 9th: Thanks to UUSS Parkway Stewards for their efforts…

Posted by Eric Ross

Posted on October 22, 2021

Saturday morning, ten UUSS Parkway Stewards came out and picked up a significant amount of trash on our UUSS mile (Mile 6/7 north on the ARP). The cooler weather was a welcome change.

parkway stewards oct 9-low_res-scale-2_00x

Left to right: Linda Brandenburger, Shirley Paulsen, Clair Urness, Patty Case, Carl Gardner, Roy Lautamo, John Abbott, & Dave Dawson.

Our group energetically and cheerfully gathered up lots of debris and tossed food containers in and around fire damage and abandoned campsites. Their work is much appreciated. Please consider coming out and helping to maintain Sacramento’s public jewel, the Parkway, which is currently under a great deal of stress from the drought and human use and abuse. It will make a difference….

Our next Second Saturday cleanup will be Saturday, November 13th at 8:45am. Mark your calendars and encourage others to participate.

Looking forward to seeing you then,

Eric Ross

Mile Steward

UUSS American River Parkway Stewards

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