Jun 222023
 June 22, 2023

Skeleton Crew of Five packs a “bunch”!

Posted by Eric Ross

Posted on June 22, 2023

parkway stewards 6-10-23

Pictured left to right: Eric Ross, Jay Chen, Lloyd Crockford, David Libby, and Jim Adams.

This Saturday, June 10th, the small group above of UUSS Parkway Stewards came early at 7:45am and fanned out over the UU Mile loop picking up large amounts of trash for over an hour. They brought an impressive amount of bagged refuse back to the Northrop Access point by the levee, including SIX grocery carts filled with an assortment of cast-off material. After we finished and had our group picture, we all went over to Panera Bread for some coffee and breakfast, including Jay, an international student going to college locally, who showed up to help after contacting the American River Parkway Foundation. Kudos to everyone for their industry, enthusiasm, and good humor. For a picture of our haul, see below….

Looking forward to seeing you back out there this coming Saturday, July 8th again, with an early start of 7:45am.

Wishing you a wonderful summer,
Eric Ross, Mile Steward
UUSS American River Parkway Stewards

parkway stewards haul 6-10-23

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