Tremendous Ten at It Again
Posted by Eric Ross
Posted on August 31, 2022

(Pictured Left to Right in First Row: Jean Leonard, Joyce Ownbey, Jeff Voeller, and Dave Dawson; L to R, Second Row: John Abbott, Lloyd Crockford, David Libby, and Bill Hardy) with photographer, Eric Ross, behind the lens and Dave Newland not in picture.
On Saturday, August 13th, our UUSS Parkway Stewards came out early before temperatures rose close to triple digits. The morning turned out to be pretty low key after the tremendous efforts made by many in July in response to the large fire on the Parkway on our UU Mile (Mile 6/7 North). Still, a good amount of litter and abandoned camp trash was removed and placed for County pickup (see below). Eight of us later met for an enjoyable chat at Panera close by. Thanks to all of you who participated!
Coming Events for UUSS Parkway Stewards in September:
Thursday, September 10th:
Note: For our regular Second Saturday cleanup, we will continue to meet at 7:45am to start… There will be a reminder sent by email closer to that date.
Sunday, September 11th:
The UUSS Parkway Stewards group will be participating in the UUSS Activities Fair after church with a table on the back patio. Please visit our table, share your experiences with newcomers, and help to bring new members into our group. Your participation would be much appreciated!
Saturday, September 17th:
The Great American River Clean-up (also known as GARCU) will be held on this day from 9am to 12 noon. It would be terrific if you could come out and participate and also let anyone you know who would like to participate in this great community event. We will be meeting at our usual place at the Northrop access.
As stated on the American River Parkway Foundation’s website,
“GARCU is the American River Parkway Foundation’s largest annual clean-up event and is held on California Coastal Clean-up Day in concert with the California Coastal Commission. For nearly 40 years, [ARPF] has invited the community to take part in this statewide movement that mobilizes tens of thousands of volunteers throughout California to clean up trash from local beaches, lakes and waterways. …In past years, up to 2,100 local volunteers have come out to help remove debris from multiple areas along the river, highlighting what the American River Parkway is, the greatest civic amenity in this region.”
For further information, click here to connect with the Parkway Foundation.
All the best,
Eric Ross Mile Steward
UUSS Parkway Stewards
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