Feb 122016
 February 12, 2016

UU Mile Cleanup Saturday, February 13

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on February 12, 2016

On this next Saturday, Feb. 13 (“Second Saturday”), we’ll once again take a purposeful walk to pick up trash on the UU mile of the American River Parkway.  As usual, we’ll meet between 8:45-9:00 AM in the parking lot at the west end of Northrop Avenue, next to the levee, near Panera off Howe Avenue.  If this will be your first time to assist, I’ll get your contact info and brief you on our cleanup activity.  We’ll clean up trash from the Parkway until 10:30 and rejoin at that time at the foot of the levee stairway for a quick photo of our crew and the results of our work.  Coffee and conversation afterwards at Panera can add to the fun!
If you haven’t yet done so, check out the February, 2016 American River Parkway Foundation newsletter which honors Mark Gray, who regularly helps out our crew, as the Foundation’s “Volunteer of the Month”.  There’s also, in the newsletter, a photo of some of our folks with Mark after a recent cleanup.  Here’s the link:   http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=48c0a63e-268c-457d-9690-72525088b24b&c=dab255b0-3408-11e3-9337-d4ae52844279&ch=db3fc8a0-3408-11e3-9474-d4ae52844279

And from the river last week, here’s a photo of Snowy Egret hunting for breakfast.  Thanks to your efforts, the river’s a much cleaner place for this egret and for all of us to enjoy.untitled-3

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