Dec 062015
 December 6, 2015

UU Parkway Mile Cleanup Saturday, Dec. 12

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on December 6, 2015

Great Blue Heron, American River Parkway, 11-23-15

Our next cleanup of UUSS’s adopted mile of the American River Parkway will be, as usual, on the second Saturday of the month, which is this coming Saturday, December 12, 2015.

As always, we’ll meet between 8:45-9:00 AM in the parking lot at the west end of Northrop Avenue, next to the levee, near Panera off Howe Avenue.  If this will be your first time to assist, I’ll get your contact info and brief you on our cleanup activity.  We’ll clean up trash from the Parkway until 10:30 and rejoin at that time at the foot of the levee stairway for a quick photo of our crew and our bounty.  Please consider joining in afterward for coffee and conversation at Panera.

Feel free to pass this invitation along to any members of our UUSS community whom you think might like to give us a hand.  I hope to see you on Saturday!

Dave Dawson

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  5 Responses to “UU Parkway Mile Cleanup Saturday, Dec. 12”

  1. I have to bow out due to pain. I will be thinking of you all!

  2. Thanks for your interest, Sarah! I’ve sent you a separate email with info such as:
    -best to wear long pants and sturdy shoes. After this week’s rains, it will likely be damp and, in some areas that you might choose to go into, muddy.
    -Many people prefer, or consider it essential to wear gloves.
    -It helps to have a “grabber” with which to pick up stuff; otherwise there’s a lot of stooping, reaching back into brambles, etc.
    Hope to see you out there!

  3. Might be able to help out. Please send me more details, what to bring, etc.

  4. see you Saturday!

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