Jun 102018
 June 10, 2018

UU Parkway Stewards At It Again!

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on June 10, 2018

A fine crew of UUs turned out on June 9 to clean up our adopted mile of the Parkway. It was a special treat to have the company of Alice Lopes, the new Volunteer Coordinator of the American River Parkway Foundation.  With many of our regular volunteers away at the “All-Ages Camp”, we still had a team of 11 good-spirited folks out to make one little part of our world a nicer place to be.  Below, in the first photograph, you’ll see from left to right, Alice Lopes, Seth Bell, Wayne Bell, Margaret Licha, Lloyd Crockford, Bill Becker, Patricia Pratt, Rayma Forrest, Tamara Olson and Roger Olson. Only a part of our total haul of about 250 lbs. of trash is in the photo because the park maintenance staff had earlier retrieved our early offerings.

The second photo, thanks to Patricia Pratt, shows some Red Sesbania, a non-native invasive plant species that is the target of much eradication effort by other workers and volunteers under the leadership of Parkway Foundation staff. If you’d like to lend a hand in that work, I’ll be glad to put you in touch with the Foundation people who, I’m sure, will eagerly greet your willingness to assist.

With much appreciation to today’s volunteers for their service, their camaraderie, and their wonderful smiles!


Parkway Cleanup 6-9-18-1

Red Sesbania 6-9-18-1

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  One Response to “UU Parkway Stewards At It Again!”

  1. that…is a big hat

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