Nov 152017
 November 15, 2017

UU Parkway Stewards Serve In Many Ways

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on November 15, 2017

Wow!  An awesome crew turned out last Saturday morning to clean up the UU mile of the American River Parkway.  Nineteen good-spirited folks from UUSS pitched in to rid our adopted mile of about 400 lbs. of trash!  Nineteen volunteers is a record number for any of our cleanups.

In the photo below, roughly from the left (…uh…, yeah; I know; a lotta UUs are roughly from the left…) are: Carl Gardner, Tony VanCuren, Marian Ashe, Gary Keill (in back), Linda Tanforan, Dixie Laws, Bobbie Keill, Eric Ross, Margaret Licha, John Abbott, Cheryl Dawson, Cass Sove (peeping through the thicket), Jeff Voeller, Karen Tarp, Larry Shaw (in back), Lois Hills (welcome, first-timer!), David Paul, Deirdre Downes, and an unidentified runner who is enjoying a much cleaner trail than it was just an hour before the photo.  You can tell how much fun it was to clean up that huge pile of trash by the super smiles that our gang was able to give when work was done.  Lots more smiles and good conversation ensued at Panera afterward.

And there’s more!  With leadership from Cass Sove, the energetic maven and coordinator of all of UUSS’s Soup Sundays, the eight soups served last Sunday were provided by the UU Parkway Stewards.  Here’s the lineup of those savory offerings which raised over $300 for a good cause:
John Abbott: Lentil with Sausage Soup
Cheryl Dawson: Cod Bisque Soup
Bobbie and Gary Keill: Potato Leek Soup
Eric Ross & Karen Tarp: Curry Split Pea Soup
Tony VanCuren: Italian Beef with Barley Soup
Jeff Voeller (and Carol Jacobs): Butternut Squash and Pinto Bean Soup
Dave Dawson: Clam Chowder
Nancy Gilbert: Vegetable Stew

It’s a kick to be part of this group traveling together with helping hands to care for our piece of the Parkway, and supporting Soup Sunday.  If you think you might like to come along with us, just email David Dawson at: 

UU Parkway Stewards, 11-11-17

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  2 Responses to “UU Parkway Stewards Serve In Many Ways”

  1. I am in interested in participating in the next clean up. Can you please tell me where and when you meet?

    • Thanks for your interest in the Parkway cleanups, Amber. We meet between 8:45-9:00AM on the second Saturday of each month off Howe Avenue, near Panera, in the parking lot at the end of Northrop Avenue, next to the levee. Trash bags are provided and we work for an hour, until 10:00 when we regather for a photo and then, for those who wish to do so, adjourn to Panera for refreshments and conversation. If you’ll send an email to me at: , I’ll add you to our email list and send out a reminder each month in the week before the cleanups. I hope to are able to join us for a good deed and a good time on the Parkway!

      David Dawson

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