Nov 122016
 November 12, 2016

UUSS’s Big Haul on the Parkway

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on November 12, 2016

On a beautiful morning, we had a dozen dynamic UUs out to clean up UUSS’s adopted mile of the American River Parkway, and did we work hard!  In the photo below, from left, are Lloyd Crockford, Seth Bell, Wayne Bell, John Abbott, Roger Olson, Tamara Olson, Margaret Licha and Lucas Cahn-Evans.   Three more folks (Shirley Paulson, Linda Brandenburger and Eric Ross) were still out doing the good deed, and one of us was behind the camera.

8/12 of the Fine UUSS Cleanup Crew on 11-12-16

8/12 of the Fine UUSS Cleanup Crew on 11-12-16

Check out the amazing pile of trash in the second photo-  and that was only part of the haul ‘cause more stuff was left at other trash cans on the mile, and Eric, Linda and Shirley had yet to add their contribution.

Trash From The UU Parkway Mile, 11-12-16

Trash From The UU Parkway Mile, 11-12-16

In the third photo, Wayne Bell caught a lovely scene with his camera, including several fisherman trying to catch a salmon dinner from our stretch of the river.

There was much camaraderie and, not surprisingly much (guess what) to talk about at Panera afterward. It seemed to be particularly rewarding at this time to be together with good people for good exercise and good purpose.

With  appreciation for all of the crew’s hard work, and for this time together.

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  One Response to “UUSS’s Big Haul on the Parkway”

  1. Great job!!

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