Dec 092017
 December 9, 2017

Winter Walk Leaves UU Parkway Mile In Beautiful Condition

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on December 9, 2017

A purposeful walk on the UU Mile on this calm, crisp winter morning left the Parkway in even more beautiful condition than we found it.

The first photo below shows 10 of our enthusiastic, hard-working crew of 11 who pitched in to rid our mile of, probably, 200 lbs. of trash.  The Parkway Rangers had already taken away one load of our gatherings before the photo was taken.  Helping out this morning, in the front row are, from left to right, Margaret Licha, Deirdre Downes, Patricia Pratt, and Bobbie Keill.  In back, from left, are David Paul, Lloyd Crockford, Jeff Voeller, Eric Ross, Gary Keill, and Wayne Bell.

The second photo shows a little of the beauty of the riverscape on the upstream end of the UU Mile below the H Street Bridge, over which passes almost 40,000 cars per day ( ).

Many thanks to these fine folks for their work this morning, and for the camraderie and conversation that followed thereafter!

– Dave

Parkway Cleanup 12-9-17-2

Parkway Cleanup 12-9-17



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