Apr 232016
 April 23, 2016

Wow! Great UU Mile Cleanup Today!

Posted by David Dawson

Posted on April 23, 2016

Wow, indeed! The American River Parkway received significant TLC today from ten fine folks who worked hard to restore the UU Mile to pristine condition. In our crew today were Mark Gray, Margaret Licha, Terry McLean, Roger and Tamara Olson, Patricia Pratt, Larry Shaw, Linda Tanforan and Jeff Voeller. When the deed was done we had cleared the UU Mile of about 250 lbs of trash, including two shopping carts. Welcomed as new to the crew today were Tamara and Roger Olson, and Margaret Licha, who dove dauntlessly into our duty like practiced hands. Conversation afterward at Panera was a most pleasing way to recover from our task.

The Parkway was particularly beautiful this morning with wildflowers appearing in abundance, grasses and foliage bright green and growing from the rains, a full and clean river, and blue sky and clouds above. It was a pleasure to be out there with such generous and giving people for a good purpose.

UU Mile Cleanup 4-23-16-3

UU Mile Cleanup 4-23-16-2

UU Mile Cleanup 4-23-16.

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  One Response to “Wow! Great UU Mile Cleanup Today!”

  1. Wow, that last picture is fantastic!

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