Aug 042018
 August 4, 2018

Meet BLM at the Capitol – Mon. 8/6 and Wed. 8/8

Posted by Sarah Turner

Posted on August 4, 2018

blm capitol

Join our Black Lives Matter chapter!

Monday, August 6th, 2018 at 10am – 12pm (Room 4203)
Wednesday, August 8th, 2018 at 9am – 12pm (Room 4202)

State Capitol – 1315 10th Street


Assembly Bill (AB) 931 needs to pass through the Senate Appropriations Committee. It is a bill created by McCarty and Weber to require police to take additional measures before using lethal force, inspired by BLM’s fight for Stephon Clark.  You can read the text of the bill here.


Senate Bill (SB) 1303 also needs to pass through the Senate Appropriations Committee. This bill requires county boards of supervisors to abolish the office of the coroner and replace it with licensed physicians and surgeons, suitably qualified as specialists in pathology, as medical examiners.  You can read the text of the bill here.

Come out in support of these bills! Our state elected officials need to know that the people are watching what they are doing, and their constituents are counting on them to do what’s right for the people.

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