Aug 042018
 August 4, 2018

Support BLM’s weekly BBQ protests at DA’s office

Posted by Sarah Turner

Posted on August 4, 2018

blm bbq

Our local Black Lives Matter chapter is working to bring charges against the police officers who killed Stephon Clark and is putting pressure on DA Anne Schubert by having BBQs every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in front of her office (901 G Street) until charges are filed. They need as much support as they can get right now – this moment is crucial to the movement. Volunteers are needed to help facilitate the BBQs by transporting items to/from the DA’s office, followed by clean-up. These are the shifts they need fulfilled:

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (ongoing indefinitely)
SETUP SHIFT: 2:15 – 3:30 PM
CLEAN UP SHIFT: 5:50 – 8:30 PM

Once a week (preferably on the weekend)
SHOPPING SHIFT: you set the time.
You will get full details and instructions after you sign up for your shift.

If interested, sign up for shifts here.

The BBQs cost $800 per month to run.  Show your support as an ally by making a monthly donation here.



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