Dec 262017
 December 26, 2017

All-ages Holiday Party 2018!

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on December 26, 2017

When I was new on staff at UUSS in 2008 we had a potluck dinner and holiday crafts party on a Friday in December–with carol-singing and an appearance by Santa Claus. It had been organized by the late Thelma White and by others, including me.

In other years we did this on a Saturday and made it a dessert potluck, but we still sang and made little gingerbread houses and all kinds of decorations.  Attendance for this annual party ranged from 50 to 100 people of all ages.  It’s not happened since we moved back after the renovation. I would have enjoyed it instead of dissertation writing in December of 2016!

I had hoped to do it this year but was not able to schedule it on a date when both I was available and space was not booked at UUSS already.

So, let’s plan ahead! I’ve already got an offer by a Unitarian Santa (UUs are the jollier kind, and coal-free). Send me a note if I can add you to the list for making this happen next December. Meanwhile, we look forward to warm June days and the UUSS All-ages Camp at Sons of Norway in Alta. Happy New Year!

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