


Our youngest children (6 months – age 5) are cared for by our two Childcare Providers with occasional help from volunteers from the congregation.  They work to provide a safe and caring environment.  Our nursery holds age-appropriate books, crafts and toys, while the outside play area provides opportunities for swinging, climbing, sand and water play, and just running around.  A snack is offered shortly before service ends (usually graham crackers and goldfish crackers with filtered water as a beverage).  Some families will pack their own snacks and water for their child(ren).  Bottles are welcome (please provide explicit directions).  We also have a private lactation area available for your convenience.

As part of our efforts to ensure a safe environment, it is very important that parents sign their children in and out of the register every Sunday. Please be sure to indicate any food allergies or other important health information. You may choose to bring a change of clothes and diapers in a labeled bag.  In addition, we ask that you sit near the back of the sanctuary close to the patio doors so that we can find you easily if your child needs you.  Please do not leave UUSS while your child is in the nursery (excludes some special events that take place outside of Sunday morning programs).

All staff and volunteers who serve with children at UUSS have a current background check on file.  They also work in teams of at least two, unrelated adults.  Please let nursery staff know how much help or supervision you would like them to provide for your child regarding toileting and diapers.  Every family is different and we are happy to support you and your child’s comfort and privacy in every way that we can.  Both disposable and cloth diapers/wipes are welcome.  We do have disposable wipes and some sizes of disposable diapers on hand if needed.  Missing something else?  Let us know!  We try to keep extra toddler/infant pants, socks and some shoes on hand just in case.

We want you to feel welcome and supported when you attend UUSS with your small child(ren).

Childcare is provided without charge on Sunday mornings. 

We make every effort to open at 9:15 AM so that you can choose to participate in before service programs.  Please plan to pick up your child by 12:15 PM unless there is advertised extended childcare for that day (extended childcare usually ends by 1:30 PM).

Please fill out an RE registration form for your nursery-age child or children.