Sep 242018
 September 24, 2018

Ideas, vision & courage for Re-imagining Sunday School on Saturday

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on September 24, 2018

Last chance to register!  The Pot of Gold conference won’t ever be this close or the food as delicious and wholesome as it will be here this Saturday, Sept. 30.  But we need to know if you are coming!

Looking forward to hosting many parents, volunteers and UU professionals next Saturday to consider trends and tolls for family ministry, building community across the generations, and the Re-imagination of Sunday School. All welcome to register, even for just the morning keynote (and Lunch by Tiki Harlow and team). Many workshops for many topics. Keynote speakers are the Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh from the UUA and RE consultant Kim Sweeney, author of “The Death of Sunday School and the Future of Faith Formation.”  Breakfast and registration at 8:30.  Worship with our speakers and Rev. Kevin Tarsa at 8:55  AM.



Read more and register here.

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  One Response to “Ideas, vision & courage for Re-imagining Sunday School on Saturday”

  1. A congregation need not be experiencing the challenges highlighted in “The Death of Sunday School” to benefit from the perspectives of our two keynote presenters. There is not one perfect way to promote UU faith formation and community building, and we can learn from one another as different congregations. I hope you will register by Wednesday!

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