JHYG (Junior High Youth Group)
JHYG (Junior High Youth Group)
For 6th, 7th and 8th Grades
The Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) meets on the first and third Sundays on campus at UUSS during service. Our time together is filled with games, mindfulness moments and discussion. JHYG sessions focus on the work of relationship and relationship building. Youth will draft and agree on a covenant for their time together. All youth are asked to sign the covenant. There will be a chalice lighting and theme for the meeting that is determined by a collaboration between the JHYG facilitator and the participants.

All ages are invited to monthly all-ages Circle Services. When there is a Circle Service, JHYG will not meet that Sunday. Please refer to weekly announcements in the RE or the Minister’s Weekly Email.
Please email with questions.
Contact Us
JHYG Updates
By RE Coordinator
By RE Coordinator
Summer Retreat, August 18-20, at the Santa Rosa church
Fall Retreat, November 3-5, trying for a East Bay church
Winter Retreat, January 12-14, UU Society of Sacramento
Spring Retreat, March 16-18, Location to be announced.
Note that the MUUGs’ website is at pcdmuugs.org with lots of information and photos.