Jan 292016
 January 29, 2016

Message for True Reflections parents/guardians

Posted by RE Coordinator

Posted on January 29, 2016

This Sunday, January 31st, the adults who serve as the Champions for True Reflections, will work with the group to see if the kids want to choose a new theme for the next four months from February through May.

Please discuss with your child the current theme of UU spiritual practices through which they have learned about prayer, meditation, yoga, walking the labyrinth, making blankets to warm the homeless, and using music for spiritual purposes.  And then ask them to think about whether they would be interested in a new theme for the second half of the church year.  There are many from which they could choose, including UU history, prophetic men and women, religious practices from around the world, UU promises (aka, the seven principles), and many more.

Thank you for all you do to support all of us in True Reflections!

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