Sep 122021
 September 12, 2021

New Church Year RE Program Information

Posted by RE Coordinator

Posted on September 12, 2021

8 poster

Religious Education:  To maximize accessibility and safety, this fall the RE classes will not take place during the service.  Services are always open for all ages to choose to attend in person.

  • For kids from kindergarten to grade 5, Ms. Miranda will build community and learn from our kids with our new Soul Kids curriculum on Zoom at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday.  Families, please email her at for the link.
  • Youth Groups:  Both groups will start in October with amazing adult volunteer leaders.  For youth in grades 6-8, our Junior High Youth Group will take place twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Sundays using the Soul Matters materials.  We will hold JHYG in person, but outside, wearing masks.  Starting Oct. 3, JHYG will take place before the service. Contact or Rev. Roger.
  • For youth in grades 9-12, our Senior High Youth group is a place of connection, mutual support, and exploration of our UU ethical and spiritual values as we engage with the challenges of our lives and our world.  SHYG will meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at UUSS, but after the service.  It will take place outside at a social distance, starting Oct. 3. Contact or Rev. Roger.


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