Sep 162022
 September 16, 2022

Religious Education and Family Ministry

Posted by Rev Roger

Posted on September 16, 2022

Here’s the lineup for Sunday and beyond.

Dear UUSS Community,

We are excited to announce the program for the new church year.  Most RE programs will start this coming Sunday; we will gather together in the sanctuary at 10:30 and after the chalice lighting ritual we will sing a lively blessing the children, youth, and adult volunteers as they assemble to go together to the education building.  Anthony will lead us in a lively sending-out song which we first sang on Sept. 4 and will use for this church year.


Soul Kids  — Kindergarten to grade 5 (10:30 start in sanctuary)

Junior High Youth Group — Grades 6-7-8 on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month (10:30 start in sanctuary)

Senior High Youth Group — Grades 9-12 on the 3rd Sunday of every month (Sept. 18).  Takes place AFTER the Sunday service.

Kids Freedom Cluball age levels gather to build community and raise awareness of modern slavery and raise money to help to free enslaved people around the world.  On the 1st Sunday of every month.  Takes place AFTER the Sunday service, so come to church!

Nursery Care — For infants and toddlers, we have a goal of re-opening our nursery on Oct. 9 and are now advertising for two part-time Sunday child care providers via Craigslist.  We also welcome parents who wish to volunteer as substitutes in the room.

Our Whole Lives sexuality education Grades 7-9 on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.  (10:00 am start IN THE CLASSROOM) Your youth’s participation in this optional special program requires advance registration and mandatory parent/guardian orientation before Sept. 25.

Our Whole Lives sexuality education for Grades 4-6 will start in January and registration is open this fall.

Family Ministry–We welcome volunteers to help us provide a welcome on Sunday mornings  to families who visit UUSS as well as to support our teachers, youth and children.  Volunteers will also help to host special family-friendly events, like the Picnic & Games Day last April and a tree-trimming party and potluck in December.  Family Ministry leaders also have provided a crafts table during a Circle Service for All Ages. Let Rev. Roger know if you are interested and if you missed the signup at the Activity Fair.

All of our programs are led by dedicated adult volunteers from UUSS who are coordinated and supported by our RE Coordinator.  Let her know if you have questions or can be of support!

It’s been a  wonderful summer of creativity and community-building in Religious Education through ArtWorks  (with a session on every Sunday!) Many thanks to RE Coordinator Miranda and her team of amazing volunteers for making this happen and getting our new church year off and running!

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